Main performance and structural features

*Link with heads weigher automatically complete all the process from feeding, counting, filling and bag making, date printing to finished products outputting.
*High counting precision and efficiency without crashing material.

Range ya serîlêdanê

It's suitable for packing fragile bulk products with requirement of high counting precision, such as:banana chips , potato chips ,rose tea , seeds , boiled dumpling, rice dumpling and medicine, etc.


* High precision weighing sensor
* PLC control ensure the precision and stability
*All function can operate by touch screen ,easy control


This machine is an automatic vertical bagger for granular products,such as Sugar,rice,salt,beans,seeds,corn,and other similar prodcuts.


1. Servo-motor driven, twin belt film pulling system,ensure machine to drive film stable.
2. Automatic film tracking system,to make sure every bag with same length and width.
3. PLC control system with touch screen operation,friendly to user and easy to operate.
4. PID heat temperature controller, tolerance within ±1ºC,to make every bag under good sealing.
5. Tool-free mould changeover,help user to save time for production.
6. Volumetric cup system,perfect for calculating the weight of granular products.
7.Date code device,to print date number on bags.


1. The machine can automatically complete the products conveying, measuring, feeding, filling and bag forming, date code printing, bag sealing and cutting.
2. Panasonic Servo-motor driven, twin belt film pulling system.
3. Wêneşîna bilind a fizîkî ya optîsê optic optîk bixweber bixweber rast eşkere dike.
4. Panasonic PLC control system combined with touch screen, can easily set and change the packing parameters. Daily production output and self-diagnostic machine error can be viewed directly from the screen.
5. PID temperature controller monitors heat sealing temperature within ±1ºC.
6. beşên elektrîk û pneumatic yên ji hêla hilberê navneteweyî ve hilbijêre hilbijartin.

Parçeyên alternatîf

1. Koda kodê
2. Amûra çêkirina gusset pouch
3. Hole puncher

Vebijêrîna Hilbijartinê Ya:

1) Kulûya Volumetric ji bo Granule (şekir, avê, kafir, sesame, sivîl, etc.)
2) Pîvana elektrîkê ji bo Granule (xwarina xwarin, kotîk, çîkok, biscuit, fêk parastî, zilmên pîr, zêrîn, etc.)
2) Pîvana Auger Screw for powder (Pawînek kin, pişka şîr, pişkek şekir, vexwarinê, spas, etc.)
3) Pîvana Rotary-Gear-Pump-liquid and paste (sauce, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc.)
4) Piston Pump ji bo Liquid (avê, ava, zêr, şampoo, karmend, ketchup, etc.)

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